Source code for locobot.base_controllers

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import time
from math import atan2, cos, sin, pi, radians, degrees, sqrt

import actionlib
import rospy
import copy
from actionlib_msgs.msg import GoalStatusArray, GoalID
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from move_base_msgs.msg import MoveBaseAction, MoveBaseGoal
from numpy import sign
from tf import TransformListener
from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion

from base_control_utils import TrajectoryTracker, position_control_init_fn, \
from base_control_utils import build_pose_msg
from bicycle_model import BicycleSystem

# if robot rotates by this much amount, then we considered that its moving
# at that speed
ROT_MOVE_THR = radians(1)
# if robot moves by this much amount(in meter), we asuume its moving at
# this speed
# if the error in angle(radian) is less than this value, we consider task
# to be done
ROT_ERR_THR = radians(1)
# if the error in position(meter) is less than this value we consider task
# to be done
LIN_ERR_THR = 0.01
VEL_DELTA = 0.01  # increment in the velocity
HZ = 20  # freq at which the controller should run
SLEEP_TIME = 0.1  # sleep time after every action

[docs]class ProportionalControl: """ This class encapsulates and provides interface to a Proportional controller used to control the base """
[docs] def __init__(self, bot_base, ctrl_pub, configs): """ The constructor for ProportionalControl class. :param configs: configurations read from config file :param base_state: an object consisting of an instance of BaseState. :param ctrl_pub: a ros publisher used to publish velocity commands to base of the robot. :type configs: dict :type base_state: BaseState :type ctrl_pub: rospy.Publisher """ self.configs = configs self.bot_base = bot_base self.MAP_FRAME = self.configs.BASE.MAP_FRAME self.BASE_FRAME = self.configs.BASE.VSLAM.VSLAM_BASE_FRAME self.ctrl_pub = ctrl_pub self.rot_move_thr = ROT_MOVE_THR # threshold for linear.. if its more than this then we consider its # moving self.lin_move_thr = LIN_MOVE_THR self.rot_max_vel = self.configs.BASE.MAX_ABS_TURN_SPEED_P_CONTROLLER self.lin_max_vel = self.configs.BASE.MAX_ABS_FWD_SPEED_P_CONTROLLER # threshold between which if error lies, we think of task being don self.rot_error_thr = ROT_ERR_THR self.dist_error_thr = LIN_ERR_THR self.vel_delta = VEL_DELTA self.hz = HZ self._transform_listener = TransformListener() self.ignore_collisions = False
def _cmd_vel(self, lin_vel=0.0, rot_vel=0.0): # writting vel to robot cmd = Twist() cmd.angular.z = rot_vel cmd.linear.x = lin_vel self.ctrl_pub.publish(cmd) def stop(self): rospy.loginfo("Stopping base!") self._cmd_vel(lin_vel=0.0, rot_vel=0.0) self.bot_base.should_stop = False def _norm_pose(self, data): # convert angle to +pi to -pi return atan2(sin(data), cos(data)) def _step_angle(self, action=0.): # target is absolute orientation wrt to current orientation # target is in radian target = action init_pose = self.bot_base.state.theta init_err = self._norm_pose(target) target_world = self._norm_pose(target + init_pose) cmd_vel = 0 min_vel = 0 got_min_vel = False prev_time = time.time() self.bot_base.should_stop = False ret_val = True while True: if time.time() - prev_time > (1.0 / self.hz): cur_error = self._norm_pose( target_world - self.bot_base.state.theta) if self.bot_base.should_stop: if not self.ignore_collisions: rospy.loginfo( "curr error = {} degrees".format( degrees(cur_error))) self.stop() ret_val = False break # stop if error goes beyond some value if abs(cur_error) < self.rot_error_thr: rospy.loginfo("Reached goal") rospy.loginfo( "curr_error = {} degrees".format( degrees(cur_error))) self._cmd_vel(rot_vel=0.0) break # for getting the min velocity at wchich bot starts to move if not (got_min_vel) and abs( cur_error - init_err) > self.rot_move_thr: got_min_vel = True min_vel = abs(cmd_vel) # doing the linear increse part if init_err != 0 and cur_error / init_err > 0.5: if abs(cmd_vel) < self.rot_max_vel: cmd_vel += sign(cur_error) * self.vel_delta # elif abs(cur_error) < self.drop_ang: else: if abs(cmd_vel) > 0.75 * min_vel: # 0.75 as I found min velocity is always above the # actual min required velocity cmd_vel -= sign(cur_error) * self.vel_delta # change the sign of init error if it misses if abs(cur_error) > abs(init_err): init_err = cur_error # chnage the init error if you overshooot if cur_error * init_err < 0: cmd_vel = cmd_vel / 10 init_err = cur_error self._cmd_vel(rot_vel=cmd_vel) prev_time = time.time() rospy.sleep(SLEEP_TIME) self.bot_base.should_stop = False return ret_val def _step_x(self, action=0.): # target is the distance in x direction that robot has to move # target is in meter(only works for positive ) target = action init_x = self.bot_base.state.x init_y = self.bot_base.state.y init_err = abs(target) cmd_vel = 0 min_vel = 0 got_min_vel = False prev_time = time.time() self.bot_base.should_stop = False ret_val = True while True: if time.time() - prev_time > (1.0 / self.hz): cur_error = abs(abs(target) - sqrt((self.bot_base.state.x - init_x) ** 2 + (self.bot_base.state.y - init_y) ** 2)) if self.bot_base.should_stop: if not self.ignore_collisions: rospy.loginfo( "curr error = {} meters".format(cur_error)) self.stop() ret_val = False break # stop if error goes beyond some value if abs(cur_error) < self.dist_error_thr: rospy.loginfo("Reached goal") rospy.loginfo("curr error = {} meters".format(cur_error)) self._cmd_vel(lin_vel=0.0) break # for getting the min velocity at wchich bot starts to move if not (got_min_vel) and abs( cur_error - init_err) > self.lin_move_thr: got_min_vel = True min_vel = abs(cmd_vel) # rospy.loginfo("min vel = ", min_vel) # doing the linear increse part if cur_error / init_err > 0.6: if abs(cmd_vel) < self.lin_max_vel: cmd_vel += sign(target) * self.vel_delta # elif abs(cur_error) < self.drop_ang: else: if abs(cmd_vel) > 0.75 * min_vel: cmd_vel -= sign(target) * self.vel_delta # change the sign of init error if it misses if abs(cur_error) > abs(init_err): init_err = cur_error target = sign(target) * cur_error # chnage the init error if you overshooot if cur_error * init_err < 0: cmd_vel = cmd_vel / 10 init_err = cur_error target = -sign(target) * cur_error self._cmd_vel(lin_vel=cmd_vel) prev_time = time.time() rospy.sleep(SLEEP_TIME) self.bot_base.should_stop = False return ret_val
[docs] def goto(self, xyt_position=None): """ Moves the robot to the robot to given goal state in the relative frame (base frame). :param xyt_position: The goal state of the form (x,y,t) in the relative (base) frame. :type xyt_position: list """ if xyt_position is None: xyt_position = [0., 0., 0.] rospy.loginfo('BASE goto, cmd: {}'.format(xyt_position)) x = xyt_position[0] y = xyt_position[1] rot = xyt_position[2] theta_1 = atan2(y, x) dist = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) if theta_1 > pi / 2: theta_1 = theta_1 - pi dist = -dist if theta_1 < -pi / 2: theta_1 = theta_1 + pi dist = -dist theta_2 = - theta_1 + rot # first rotate by theta1 self._step_angle(theta_1) # move the distance self._step_x(dist) # second rotate by theta2 self._step_angle(theta_2) return True
def _get_xyt(self, pose): """Processes the pose message to get (x,y,theta)""" orientation_list = [ pose.pose.orientation.x, pose.pose.orientation.y, pose.pose.orientation.z, pose.pose.orientation.w] (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list) goal_position = [pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y, yaw] return goal_position
[docs] def go_to_absolute(self, xyt_position, close_loop=True, smooth=False): """ Moves the robot to the robot to given goal state in the world frame using proportional control. :param xyt_position: The goal state of the form (x,y,t) in the world (map) frame. :param close_loop: When set to "True", ensures that controler is operating in open loop by taking account of odometry. :param smooth: When set to "True", ensures that the motion leading to the goal is a smooth one. :type xyt_position: list or np.ndarray :type close_loop: bool :type smooth: bool """ assert (not smooth), "Proportional controller \ cannot generate smooth motion" assert (close_loop), "Proportional controller \ cannot work in open loop" pose_stamped = build_pose_msg( xyt_position[0], xyt_position[1], xyt_position[2], self.MAP_FRAME) base_pose = self._transform_listener.transformPose( self.BASE_FRAME, pose_stamped) return self.goto(self._get_xyt(base_pose))
[docs]class ILQRControl(TrajectoryTracker): """ Class to implement LQR based feedback controllers on top of mobile bases. """
[docs] def __init__(self, bot_base, ctrl_pub, configs): """ Constructor for ILQR based Control. :param bot_base: Object that has necessary variables that capture the robot state, collision checking, etc. :param ctrl_pub: Publisher topic to send commands to. :param configs: yacs configuration object. :type base_state: BaseState :type ctrl_pub: rospy.Publisher """ self.configs = configs self.max_v = self.configs.BASE.MAX_ABS_FWD_SPEED self.min_v = -self.configs.BASE.MAX_ABS_FWD_SPEED self.max_w = self.configs.BASE.MAX_ABS_TURN_SPEED self.min_w = -self.configs.BASE.MAX_ABS_TURN_SPEED self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.configs.BASE.BASE_CONTROL_RATE) self.dt = 1. / self.configs.BASE.BASE_CONTROL_RATE self.ctrl_pub = ctrl_pub self.bot_base = bot_base self.system = BicycleSystem(self.dt, self.min_v, self.max_v, self.min_w, self.max_w)
@property def should_stop(self): return self.bot_base.should_stop @should_stop.setter def should_stop(self, value): self.bot_base.should_stop = value @property def state(self): return self.bot_base.state
[docs] def go_to_relative(self, xyt_position, close_loop=True, smooth=True): """ Relative pose that the robot should go to. """ start_pos = self.state.state_f.copy() goal_pos = _get_absolute_pose(xyt_position, start_pos.ravel()) return self.go_to_absolute(goal_pos, close_loop, smooth)
[docs] def go_to_absolute(self, xyt_position, close_loop=True, smooth=True): """ Moves the robot to the robot to given goal state in the world frame using ILQR control. :param xyt_position: The goal state of the form (x,y,t) in the world (map) frame. :param close_loop: When set to "True", ensures that controler is operating in open loop by taking account of odometry. :param smooth: When set to "True", ensures that the motion leading to the goal is a smooth one. :type xyt_position: list or np.ndarray :type close_loop: bool :type smooth: bool """ start_pos = self.state.state_f.copy() goal_pos = copy.deepcopy(xyt_position) reverse = self.min_v < 0 states = self._compute_trajectory_no_map(start_pos, goal_pos, smooth, reverse) # Compute and execute the plan. return self.track_trajectory(states, close_loop=close_loop)
def _compute_trajectory_no_map(self, start_pos, goal_pos, smooth, reverse): typ = 'smooth' if smooth else 'sharp' init_states = position_control_init_fn(typ, start_pos, goal_pos, self.dt, self.max_v, self.max_w, reverse) return init_states
[docs] def track_trajectory(self, states, controls=None, close_loop=True): """ State trajectory that the robot should track using ILQR control. :param states: sequence of (x,y,t) states that the robot should track. :param controls: optionally specify control sequence as well. :param close_loop: whether to close loop on the computed control sequence or not. :type states: list :type controls: list :type close_loop: bool """ # Compute plan plan = self.generate_plan(states, controls) # Execute a plan return self.execute_plan(plan, close_loop)
[docs]class MoveBaseControl(object): """This class encapsulates and provides interface to move_base controller used to control the base """
[docs] def __init__(self, base_state, configs): """ The constructor for MoveBaseControl class. :param configs: configurations read from config file :param base_state: an object consisting of an instance of BaseState. :type configs: dict :type base_state: BaseState """ self.configs = configs self.base_state = base_state self.MAP_FRAME = self.configs.BASE.MAP_FRAME self.BASE_FRAME = self.configs.BASE.VSLAM.VSLAM_BASE_FRAME self.move_base_sac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_BASE_ACTION_COMMAND, MoveBaseAction) rospy.Subscriber(self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_MOVE_BASE_STATUS, GoalStatusArray, self._move_base_status_callback) self.move_base_cancel_goal_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_GOAL_CANCEL, GoalID, queue_size=1) self.execution_status = None
def cancel_goal(self): self.move_base_cancel_goal_pub.publish(GoalID()) self.base_state.should_stop = False def _move_base_status_callback(self, msg): if len(msg.status_list) > 0: self.execution_status = msg.status_list[-1].status def _send_action_goal(self, x, y, theta, frame): """A function to send the goal state to the move_base action server """ goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose = build_pose_msg(x, y, theta, frame) goal.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.loginfo("Waiting for the server") self.move_base_sac.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Sending the goal") self.move_base_sac.send_goal(goal) rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for the Result") while True: assert ( self.execution_status is not 4), \ "move_base failed to find a valid plan to goal" if self.execution_status is 3: rospy.loginfo("Base reached the goal state") return if self.base_state.should_stop: rospy.loginfo( "Base asked to stop. Cancelling goal sent to move_base.") self.cancel_goal() return
[docs] def go_to_absolute(self, xyt_position, close_loop=True, smooth=False): """ Moves the robot to the robot to given goal state in the world frame. :param xyt_position: The goal state of the form (x,y,t) in the world (map) frame. :param close_loop: When set to "True", ensures that controler is operating in open loop by taking account of odometry. :param smooth: When set to "True", ensures that the motion leading to the goal is a smooth one. :type xyt_position: list or np.ndarray :type close_loop: bool :type smooth: bool """ assert not smooth, "movebase controller cannot generate smooth motion" assert close_loop, "movebase controller cannot work in open loop" self._send_action_goal( xyt_position[0], xyt_position[1], xyt_position[2], self.MAP_FRAME)