Source code for locobot.base

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import copy
import os
from functools import partial
from os.path import expanduser

import numpy as np
import rospy
import tf
import tf.transformations
from ca_msgs.msg import Bumper
from kobuki_msgs.msg import BumperEvent, CliffEvent, WheelDropEvent
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from orb_slam2_ros.vslam import VisualSLAM
from pyrobot.core import Base
from std_msgs.msg import Empty

from base_control_utils import MoveBasePlanner, _get_absolute_pose
from base_controllers import ProportionalControl, ILQRControl, MoveBaseControl
from bicycle_model import wrap_theta

class BaseSafetyCallbacks(object):
    This class encapsulates and provides interface to bumper, cliff and
    wheeldrop sensors on the base.  It all also trigers necessary callbacks
    when these sensors get tripped.

    def __init__(self, base):
        self.should_stop = False
        self.bumper = False
        self.cliff = False
        self.wheel_drop = False
        self.subscribers = []

        if base == 'create':
            s = rospy.Subscriber(self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_BUMPER, Bumper,
            s = rospy.Subscriber(self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_CLIFF, Empty,
            s = rospy.Subscriber(self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_WHEELDROP, Empty,
            s = rospy.Subscriber(self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_BUMPER,
                                 BumperEvent, self.bumper_callback_kobuki)
            s = rospy.Subscriber(self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_CLIFF,
                                 CliffEvent, self.cliff_callback)
            s = rospy.Subscriber(self.configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_WHEELDROP,
                                 WheelDropEvent, self.wheeldrop_callback)

    def bumper_callback_create(self, data):
        bumped = data.is_left_pressed or data.is_right_pressed
        to_bump = data.is_light_left or data.is_light_center_left or \
                  data.is_light_center_right or data.is_light_front_right or \
        if bumped or to_bump:
            if self.bumper is False:
                rospy.loginfo("Bumper Detected")
            self.should_stop = True
            self.bumper = True
            self.bumper = False

    def cliff_callback(self, data):
        rospy.loginfo("Cliff Detected")
        self.should_stop = True
        self.cliff = True

    def wheeldrop_callback(self, data):
        rospy.loginfo("Drop the contact")
        self.should_stop = True
        self.wheel_drop = True

    def bumper_callback_kobuki(self, date):
        rospy.loginfo("Bumper Detected")
        self.bumper = True
        self.should_stop = True

    def __del__(self):
        # Delete callback on deletion of object.
        for s in self.subscribers:

class XYTState(object):
    This class object which can be used used to hold the pose of the base of
    the robot i.e, (x,y, yaw)

    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 0.
        self.y = 0.
        self.theta = 0.
        self.old_theta = 0
        self._state_f = np.array([self.x, self.y, self.theta],
        self.update_called = False

    def update(self, x, y, theta):
        """Updates the state being stored by the object."""
        theta = wrap_theta(theta - self.old_theta) + self.old_theta
        self.old_theta = theta
        self.theta = theta
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self._state_f = np.array([self.x, self.y, self.theta],
        self.update_called = True

    def state_f(self):
        """Returns the current state as a numpy array."""
        assert (self.update_called), "Odometry callback hasn't been called."
        return self._state_f

class BaseState(BaseSafetyCallbacks):
    def __init__(self, base, build_map, map_img_dir, configs):
        # Set up SLAM, if requested.
        self.configs = configs
        self.build_map = build_map
        if self.build_map:
            self.vslam = VisualSLAM(

        # Setup odometry callback.
        self.state = XYTState()
        s = rospy.Subscriber(configs.BASE.ROSTOPIC_ODOMETRY, Odometry,
                             lambda msg: self._odometry_callback(msg, 'state'))
        self.subscribers = [s]

        BaseSafetyCallbacks.__init__(self, base)

    def _get_odom_state(self):
        """ Returns the base pose in the (x,y, yaw) format as computed from
        Wheel encoder readings."""
        state = self.state.state_f
        return state.tolist()

    def _odometry_callback(self, msg, state_var):
        """Callback function to populate the state object."""
        orientation_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
        orientation_list = [
        (roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
        state = copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, state_var))
        state.update(msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, yaw)
        setattr(self, state_var, state)

    def __del__(self):
        """Delete callback on deletion of object."""
        for s in self.subscribers:

[docs]class LoCoBotBase(Base): """ This is a common base class for the locobot and locobot-lite base. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configs, map_img_dir=None, base_controller='ilqr', base_planner=None, base=None, ): """ The constructor for LoCoBotBase class. :param configs: configurations read from config file :param map_img_dir: parent directory of the saved RGB images and depth images :type configs: YACS CfgNode :type map_img_dir: string """ super(LoCoBotBase, self).__init__(configs=configs) use_base = rospy.get_param( 'use_base', False) or rospy.get_param( 'use_sim', False) if not use_base: rospy.logwarn( 'Neither use_base, nor use_sim, is not set to True ' 'when the LoCoBot driver is launched. ' 'You may not be able to command the base ' 'correctly using PyRobot!') return if base is None: base = configs.BASE.BASE_TYPE assert (base in ['kobuki', 'create', ]), \ 'BASE should be one of kobuki, create but is {:s}'.format(base) if map_img_dir is None: map_img_dir = os.path.join(expanduser("~"), '.ros/Imgs') self.build_map = rospy.get_param('use_vslam', False) self.base_state = BaseState(base, self.build_map, map_img_dir, configs) # Path planner if base_planner is None: base_planner = configs.BASE.BASE_PLANNER assert (base_planner in ['movebase', 'none']), \ 'BASE.[BASE_PLANNER] should be movebase or none.' if base_planner == 'movebase': self.planner = MoveBasePlanner(self.configs) elif base_planner == 'none': # No path planning is done here. self.planner = None self.base_planner = base_planner # Set up low-level controllers. if base_controller is None: base_controller = configs.BASE.BASE_CONTROLLER assert (base_controller in ['proportional', 'ilqr', 'movebase']), \ 'BASE.BASE_CONTROLLER should be one of proportional, ilqr, ' \ 'movebase but is {:s}'.format(base_controller) self.base_controller = base_controller if base_controller == 'ilqr': self.controller = ILQRControl( self.base_state, self.ctrl_pub, self.configs) elif base_controller == 'proportional': self.controller = ProportionalControl( self.base_state, self.ctrl_pub, self.configs) elif base_controller == 'movebase': self.controller = MoveBaseControl(self.base_state, self.configs) rospy.on_shutdown(self.clean_shutdown)
def clean_shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Stop LoCoBot Base") if self.base_controller == 'movebase': self.controller.cancel_goal() self.stop()
[docs] def get_state(self, state_type): """ Returns the requested base pose in the (x,y, yaw) format as computed either from Wheel encoder readings or Visual-SLAM :param state_type: Requested state type. Ex: Odom, SLAM, etc :type state_type: string :return: pose of the form [x, y, yaw] :rtype: list """ if state_type == 'odom': return self.base_state._get_odom_state() elif state_type == 'vslam': assert self.build_map, "Error: Cannot vslam state " \ "without enabling build map feature" assert self.build_map, 'build_map was set to False' return self.base_state.vslam.base_pose
def _get_plan(self, xyt_position): """ Generates a plan that can take take the robot to given goal state. :param xyt_position: The goal state of the form (x,y,t) :type xyt_position: list """ plan, status = self.planner.get_plan_absolute( xyt_position[0], xyt_position[1], xyt_position[2]) if not status: raise ValueError("Failed to find a valid plan!") return self.planner.parse_plan(plan)
[docs] def go_to_relative( self, xyt_position, use_map=False, close_loop=True, smooth=False): """ Moves the robot to the robot to given goal state relative to its initial pose. :param xyt_position: The relative goal state of the form (x,y,t) :param use_map: When set to "True", ensures that controler is using only free space on the map to move the robot. :param close_loop: When set to "True", ensures that controler is operating in open loop by taking account of odometry. :param smooth: When set to "True", ensures that the motion leading to the goal is a smooth one. :type xyt_position: list or np.ndarray :type use_map: bool :type close_loop: bool :type smooth: bool """ start_pos = self.base_state.state.state_f.copy() goal_pos = _get_absolute_pose(xyt_position, start_pos.ravel()) self.go_to_absolute(goal_pos, use_map, close_loop, smooth)
[docs] def go_to_absolute( self, xyt_position, use_map=False, close_loop=True, smooth=False): """ Moves the robot to the robot to given goal state in the world frame. :param xyt_position: The goal state of the form (x,y,t) in the world (map) frame. :param use_map: When set to "True", ensures that controler is using only free space on the map to move the robot. :param close_loop: When set to "True", ensures that controler is operating in open loop by taking account of odometry. :param smooth: When set to "True", ensures that the motion leading to the goal is a smooth one. :type xyt_position: list or np.ndarray :type use_map: bool :type close_loop: bool :type smooth: bool """ xyt_position = np.asarray(xyt_position) if use_map: assert ( self.build_map), 'Error: Cannot use map without ' \ 'enabling build map feature' if self.base_controller == 'ilqr': goto = partial( self.go_to_relative, close_loop=close_loop, smooth=smooth) self.planner.move_to_goal(xyt_position, goto) return elif self.base_controller == 'proportional': self.planner.move_to_goal(xyt_position, self.controller.goto) return self.controller.go_to_absolute(xyt_position, close_loop, smooth)
[docs] def track_trajectory(self, states, controls=None, close_loop=True): """ State trajectory that the robot should track. :param states: sequence of (x,y,t) states that the robot should track. :param controls: optionally specify control sequence as well. :param close_loop: whether to close loop on the computed control sequence or not. :type states: list :type controls: list :type close_loop: bool """ if len(states) == 0: rospy.loginfo("The given trajectory is empty") return if self.base_controller == 'ilqr': self.controller.track_trajectory(states, controls, close_loop) else: plan_idx = 0 while True: plan_idx = min(plan_idx, len(states) - 1) point = states[plan_idx] self.controller.go_to_absolute(point, close_loop=close_loop) if plan_idx == len(states) - 1: break plan_idx += self.configs.BASE.TRACKED_POINT